ADA and its partners at the ARE Investment Academy 2024

ADA contributed to the latest edition of the ARE Investment Academy, a training and skill-building programme aimed at improving access to finance for local, decentralised renewable energy start-ups in Africa, organised by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) and Get.Invest.
The theme of this edition, which took place from 19 March to 23 May 2024, was “Developing a project and writing a pitch deck”. The programme consisted of five training modules – three virtual sessions and two face-to-face sessions at ARE’s 2024 Energy Access Investment Forum, held from 21 to 23 May in Lagos, Nigeria, where ADA was a gold sponsor. The event ended with a session in which the entrepreneurs pitched to a jury of investors including ADA.
ADA also took part in one of the virtual sessions on “Financial landscape for businesses and decentralised renewable energy projects”, to present the Financial Innovation Tool (FIT) that helps businesses get off the ground. ADA also provided advice to the entrepreneurs to help them prepare for investment.
The call for participants for the 2024 edition was a great success, with more than 60 submissions. Of the 14 French-speaking companies shortlisted, four ADA partners were selected: FRES Mali, Sahelia Solar, Qotto and PFE Mbiddi. At the concluding pitch session, Qotto and PFE Mbiddi won the first and second prizes, respectively.
“We are proud to see our partners rewarded. This recognition gives them increased visibility amongst potential investors to finance projects providing vulnerable populations with access to energy.”
- Programme Manager Marina Abboud