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31 March 2020

How Coronavirus affects Microfinance sector

By Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation, Paris, March 20th 2020

02 November 2020

International Conference on Inclusive Insurance - Digital Edition : 2-6 November

Covid crisis highlights urgent need for inclusive finance

Luxembourg / Munich - 2 November 2020. Governments and insurance companies must increase e

07 May 2020

Measures to facilitate work in MFIs

In daily contact with MFIs, ADA has identified some measures to facilitate the work for the employees and clients of the MFIs.

03 February 2021

The will of microfinance institutions to maintain their activities during Covid-19 crisis

ADA, Inpulse and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation have collaborated to monitor and analyse the effects of the Covid-19 crisis for their partner microfinance institutions worldwide.

24 April 2020

Download the toolkit to implement the Guidance Note on Business Continuity for MFIs

A series of tools has been developed by ADA and Oikocredit especially to help you!

08 April 2020

The MFI Umutanguha Finance Company Plc. (UFC) in Rwanda testifies

Jules Théoneste NDAHAYO, Managing Director at UFC in Rwanda, testifies on the way the Covid-19 crisis is managed on the territory and within his institution.

22 July 2020

Covid-19 affects MFIs of different sizes in different ways

ADA, Inpulse and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation have joined forces to closely monitor and analyse the effects of the COVID-19 crisis among their partners around the world.
02 April 2020

Looking back on the 30th Midi - Ebola: what impact on microfinance? The concrete case of Crédit Rural de Guinée S.A.

What solutions have been put in place to fight the epidemic in 2015 by the microfinance sector?