First SSNUP project completed

24 June 2022

The six-month project co-funded by SSNUP aimed to increase the quantity and quality of rice produced in Northern Senegal, thereby increasing both the revenue and the food security of the local smallholder rice farmers. The project was implemented by La Sénégalaise des Filières Alimentaires (SFA), an investee of SSNUP partner Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation. SFA is a rice processor with a mission of developing an inclusive value chain for the production, processing and marketing of rice in the north of Senegal.  

Thanks to 18 demonstration fields put in place with the help of an agronomist, 1 501 smallholder rice farmers were trained on best production practices such as pre-germination techniques, cropping calendars and certified seeds. At the end of the project, the farmers recorded a 16% increase in yield. At the same time, the harvested paddy rice contained fewer impurities. 

This is a very satisfactory outcome given that the farmers struggled to obtain the recommended inputs on time. Others found it difficult to access credit and experienced lengthy disbursement delays, which in turn delayed the purchase and application of inputs. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the demonstration field producers have access to a complete set of inputs before the beginning of the season. The COVID-19 pandemic created additional challenges as travel restricted prevented farmers from attending training sessions. As a result, fewer farmers were trained than originally foreseen. 

Going forward, SFA will take over the project and will organise more training sessions by agronomists to improve the sharing of knowledge. In addition, the producers will receive continuous monitoring and support throughout the different stages of plant growth to ensure a good quality of the seeds as well as the correct use of herbicides, fertilisers and water.