Social Performance Management in microfinance
Social Performance Management in microfinance: Practices, results and challenges in sub-Saharan Africa
Other publications

Author : Mathilde Bauwin (ADA)

Editor : ADA

Publication date : 05-11-2019

Language : English

Number of pages : 36

Format : PDF

In 2018, ADA and Cerise joined forces to carry out a global study of this database in order to establish a general review of the social performance management of financial service providers throughout the world since the launch of the SPI4 tool.


The aim of this study is to shed light on the type of financial service providers which carry out a social performance audit, to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of these actors in terms of social performance management, and to analyse the potential complementarities of social and financial performances. Whilst the original study covers all of the audits submitted to Cerise1, this document will focus exclusively on the sub-Saharan Africa region.

In this way, the objective is to encourage an increasing number of financial service providers to assess and to improve their practices and to provide information to the organisations which support them about their specific needs in terms of training, assessment and close support in relation to social performance management.