Learning from the analysis of Law N°2012-14 in Benin
Learning from the analysis of Law N°2012-14 in Benin

Research Note N°4 on Microfinance Regulation: Learning from the analysis of Law N°2012-14 in Benin

T. Caballero-Montes, M. Labie (Université de Mons – CERMi)
P. Wélé (Université d’Abomey-Calavi)


How does regulation affect microfinance institutions (MFIs)? Research has addressed this question with ambiguous results. Some studies argue that regulation favours both financial and social outcomes. Others argue that commercial stakes are favoured through regulatory pressures. Still others found that there is no clear link with performance. This note analysis the effect of Law N°2012-14 in Benin with different tools and draws general conclusions on how to support microfinance via regulation.