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09 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis

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Locked down? Business interruption insurance, low-income MSMEs and COVID-19

by MiN, April 16 

08 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis

The MFI Umutanguha Finance Company Plc. (UFC) in Rwanda testifies

Jules Théoneste NDAHAYO, Managing Director at UFC in Rwanda, testifies on the way the Covid-19 crisis is managed on the territory and within his institution.

07 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis

Microfinance in Africa facing Covid-19

Our partner U-IMCEC Senegal shared a video to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus among its staff, members and the entire population.

06 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis

LMDF presents: Voices from the ground - KENYA

Through a series of online meetings, LMDF presents the impact of the epidemic on the countries in which the fund invests.

LMDF is pleased to present its first interview on the impact of COVID 19 in the countries where we operate - focus on Kenya.

The pandemic has certainly changed the way we are living here in Luxembourg, but what happens in countries where poverty rates are higher and where the informal economy dominates?

06 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis

Webinar with ANDE members : Supporting SGBs through COVID-19

by ANDE (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs)  - March 30, 2020

The current state of uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic means we are all thinking seriously about short and long-term health and economic impacts. The disruption to the small and growing business (SGB) sector specifically will be extreme, as these businesses and the people they serve are already among the most vulnerable.

02 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis

Looking back on the 30th Midi - Ebola: what impact on microfinance? The concrete case of Crédit Rural de Guinée S.A.

What solutions have been put in place to fight the epidemic in 2015 by the microfinance sector?

Five years ago, ADA invited an MFI that was facing a health crisis to discuss the financial consequences.

01 April 2020 Covid-19 crisis
31 March 2020 Covid-19 crisis

What still needs to be done to mitigate COVID-19

by Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, March 27, 2020.

On 27 March, the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management organised a webinar on best practices to be implemented by the microfinance sector to prevent the risk of the health crisis linked to Covid-19.

Dr. Joachim Bald, a long-time expert in risk management presented the important points that need to be adapted, such as :

31 March 2020 Covid-19 crisis

How Coronavirus affects Microfinance sector

By Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation, Paris, March 20th 2020

The global sanitary crisis also became an economic crisis. Economic activities are extremely limited in all countries and stock exchanges have lost almost a third of their value in less than a month. Quite logically, the worldwide microfinance sector is also not immune. The Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation's team launched a survey among its partners on March 11th in order to gather their first impressions and analysis, the impact on their clients' activity, on their institution and their potential needs.