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Farmer opening a corn
27 February 2023

Developing agricultural insurance products for smallholder farmers

The SSNUP programme encourages the development of agricultural insurance products by co-funding several projects. 

Training about price risk management in Rwanda
20 February 2023

Coffee price risk management for Rwandan SMEs and cooperatives

The price of coffee fluctuates significantly on international markets, resulting in unpredictable income levels and vulnerability for value chain actors.

Femmes triant des piments
15 February 2023

A traceability system gives Kenyan chilli farmers access to the EU market

With co-funding from the SSNUP programme, the impact investor Alterfin supported a Kenyan fruit and veg exporting company in implementing a traceability system for their chilli producers.

Female farmer with box of aubergines. Copyright: (Pexels) Zen Chung
09 February 2023

Overview of SSNUP activities in 2022

In its second fully operational year, the Smallholder Safety Net Upscaling Programme (SSNUP) saw its first completed projects as well as a steadily increasing project pipeline.

LED logo
22 September 2022

LED increases SSNUP funding

The Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) has decided to significantly increase its contribution to SSNUP from 900 000 to 1.5 million euros.


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